Lorusso y Sáez, S.L. thoroughly agrees with this Universal aim declaration:
“A worthwhile firm must have a purpose for its existence. Not only the everyday work-a-day purpose to earn a just profit, but beyond that, to improve in some way the quality of the community to which it is committed. Each firm-as should each person-contributes to those around it; and by dint of its day-to-day efforts, the message it thereby imparts is a revelation of the quality standard at which its life’s work is conducted.
We here at LoRUSSo’s hope that through the quality of our products, by the manner in which our day-to-day contacts are concerned with truth, justice, and fairness, we can in some way communicate to those who may not have been aware that these qualities are eternal and renewable every day, making better citizens, better firms, and better communities.”
From “The Mission of Kiehl’s since 1851”
“The story of our company is beginning to be writen”
Καλός καί ἀγαθός
Our company is half spanish and half italian: two cultures based on the ancient greek philosophy. In fact, our founding value is the socratic “kalokagathia”: a thing can not be truly good if it is not also beautiful, as beauty and goodness are always inseparably bound together.
You can observe it in every single detail of our products: both in the content and in the container, that is: in form and in substance.
Our jams are 80% pure fruit (a percentage that no grandmother, not even the most generous, ever dared to use), and have such an artistic packaging that it is really difficult to answer this question: Is this product more charming or more tasty?
Read more about LoRUSSo Here